WHITE PEPPER, വെളുത്ത കുരുമുളക്, सफ़ेद मिर्च
The benefits of white pepper for health have been famous since time immemorial and until now has become the attention of the international medical world .White pepper is a spice that is full of properties that can be used for external medicine or for internal medicine
White pepper works best for those suffering from loss of appetite as it enhances appetite and promotes healthy gout. The spice helps to get rid of secretions from airways. It is also used to treat constipation as it supports large intestine peristalsis and accelerates metabolism.
- Pain Relieving
- Arthritis Aid
- Weight Loss
- Cancer Cure
- Headache Healer
- Cures Cough
- Decongestant
- Prevents Stomach Ulcers
- Blood Pressure Control
- Promoting Heart Health
- Antioxidant Properties
- Improves Digestion
- Blood Sugar Control
- Mineral Source
- Cures Toothache
- Prevents Flatulence
- Improves Eyesight
- Skin Cancer Prevention
- Wrinkle Removal
- Removal Of Unwanted Hair
- Dandruff Cure